Still Queer as Folk

A critical review and analysis of Showtime's Queer as Folk presented by two bitchy and sometimes jaded gay guys. Listen in as we take apart the stories, screenplays, characters and aspects of the show that haven't aged well. Nothing is off limits, be it music, costumes, sets, or acting. We're huge fans of the show, but you would probably never know it after listening to Still Queer as Folk. All five seasons are covered, recorded between 2018-2021. Check out the Still Queer as Folk UK podcast for our take on the original.

Hosted ByPatrick Randall & Matt Dominguez

All Episodes

3.10 Uncle Ben

Justin continues his insurgency propaganda campaign against Stockwell, as Brian becomes suspicious of him. Ben gets some unsettling news about the hustler he has befriended. Ted’s descent continues after a weekend long binge. Melanie’s pregnancy doesn’t s

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3.09 Big Effing Mouth

Brian doubles down on backing his client, Chief Stockwell, much to the ire of Debbie and the community. Ted inches closer and closer to rock-bottom after serving A-Gay Garth Racine at a cocktail party. Melanie is learning the limits of her pregnancy.

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3.08 Hunt(er) For Love

Justin wiggles his way back into Brian’s work and personal life with unsurprising results. Michael and Ben deal with a gang of hustlers that have set up shop outside their apartment. Emmett saves the day after Lindsay fires the gallery party planner.

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3.07 Stop Hurting Us

Ethan continues lying to Justin until proof arrives at the doorstep causing catastrophic results for their relationship. Brian drifts further into dangerous territory with Stockwell, who has his sights set on putting Ted in prison. Michael confronts Ben.

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3.06 One Ring to Rule Them All

Ethan plays it straight to play a concert leading Justin to secretly follow him, only to find him indulging himself with a fan. Ted and Emmett meet the neighbors just as Ted is arrested. Ben continues his roid-raging. Brian sells himself to the dark side

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3.05 There’s Nothing Noble About Being Poor

Ethan has to play it straight to get ahead and Brian interferes, much to Justin’s dismay. While dealing with Ben’s increasingly erratic behavior, Michael must make a deposit for Mel and Lindsay. Ted and Emmett go house hunting with conflicting ideas.

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3.04 Brat Sitting

Brian ends up in custody after brat-sitting his nephew, only to find that Justin is working behind the scenes to prove his innocence. Melanie and Lindsay write up a contract for a load from Michael who is understandably put off. Ted and Emmett experiment

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3.03 Doctors of Dickology

Brian grudgingly produces Carnivale for the gay and lesbian center. Justin and Ethan share a romantic evening followed by a not so romantic snob party. Debbie and Carl get closer while Ben and Michael discuss cohabitation.

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3.02 House Full of Children

Brian replaces Justin with an assortment of tricks and continues to pay his tuition. Michael and Justin fight over the future of Rage while Ted and Emmett have their first fight as lovers. Melanie and Lindsay can’t agree about having a second child.

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